Better loot make config 11. By P1S4G0R. Better Loot 3x Loot Table config -Removed Junk Loot -Better Loot Rates -Heli and Bradley Loot Table To install go to oxide>data>betterloot. Service for online creation and edition of loot tables (LootTables. cs placed inside the plugin folder automatically creates a config file, so just make sure you delete the . json config overwritten by default. Better Loot; LootTable. Hello dear Support Team I bought the 3x Loottable from your shop and did what the READ. $4. Better Loot 3x Loot Table config -Removed Junk Loot -Better Loot Rates -Heli and Bradley Loot Table To install go to oxide>data>betterloot About 15x Loot Table Config. 5k; 125. 99% of the junk items have been filtered out from the I know the feeling, I use Better Loot as well, you don't download a . The config json file only contains the information of what this works with and the rarity file which you can add to or take things from, Working with Rust Loot Tables can be one of the most daunting of tasks. Modifying the existing ones, or what have you. 20x Better Loot Config Removed all Junk from barrels and creates. json file from the config folder and verify you have the . 35, it think 1 is the maximum. Our professionally configured XRUST Loot Table config for the Better Loot plugin, which we successfully use on 20 of our servers, will provide everything you News Support So the loot that is supposed to appear, gets drowned out by the loot that had its rarity upped by having this plugin. 99% of the junk items have been filtered out from the Here you can edit the loot tables for each container easily and search Configuration for 5x loot? Plugin Page. $9. BetterLoot is a complete re-implementation of the drop / loot system made by playrust. But I wanted to make a small chance to looting, and i wanted to get my hands on the default settings of the game, but it looks like none of that is possible. The higher the number is more items will spawn, the base is 0. 5x Better Loot Config Removed all Junk from barrels and creates. Contribute; Get Support Share Are you bored with endless hours of farming in Rust caused by the default item amount or tier in the barrels and boxes? Spice up your server by changing the Please share your configurations for better loot here! Share your configs from Vanilla, 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, so on! Make it easier for people to get configurations and make sure you credit yourself for making the config! P. json with the newly generated one. MagicLoot is easier to use if you only want to multiply the loot. Would it be possible to add all the Newer items to your Catagories lists? Like maybe the Frontier items, Diver Propulsion Vehicle, Wallpaper, Gas Compression Overdrive, Handmade smg, High Caliber Revolver, SKS, Frankenstein Mask. About 2x more balanced Loot Table Config. Any chance the loot tables introduced by this plugin as the "default" are different from the vanilla? Normal crates seem to be "more generous", I even found an airdrop signal in the regular green crate. Hi, guys anyone running a 5x modded server that wants to share their better loot data file? I'm new to being an owner and unsure how op or what things not to allow players to have etc. 4K Downloads | Mods D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\U3DS\Servers\MyServer(this is where my server is located) here you will find a "config" file Open it, then scroll down untill you find "Spawn_Chance". Thank you for using our app, quick update we have now resolved the issue with loosing config data on page refresh. nkhudson. I officially propose - The A file named settings_and_definitions_config. Meaning you might not always get components We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. plugin before editing and have tried stopping also but the file keeps reverting back. Our professionally configured XRUST Loot Table config for the Better Loot plugin, which we successfully use on 20 of our servers, will provide everything you need. The config is designed to ensure a balanced Instead of using the game's default loot tables, Better Loot overrides any watched loot containers to contain your "better loot" as put by the server owner/staff. Removed most Junk from barrels and crates while adding more balance to the loot table. json) config for Better Loot plugin in the Rust Find and share Better Loot configs for different server rates and mods on uMod community forum. I know there is a blacklist feature, but I dont want to go in and type out every 2x metal and stone, 1x sulfur, 3x hemp, 2x-3x food. json Next File 2x more balanced Loot Table Config. thank you in advance. It offers a comfortable and professional loot experience for both competitive Rust gameplay and 5x server lovers. TenzO . The config json file only contains the information of what this works with and the rarity file which you can add to or take things from, Contribute to mehdin85/BetterLoot. Can anyone tell me if there is a way to edit the items list for each individual crate Trying to set up a betterloot config file for 5x. Better Loot will do everything you need For the rarity of gear in the BetterLoot Config (in the Config folder) you can over ride the base rairity of items and this is wehere you can make gears and components more cvomming but make laptops and CCTV cameras more rare Also in the better loot config file you can set the min and max amount of February 26 in 3x Loot Table Config; StepbroStefan 0 Posted February 26. Better Loot; Multiplying loot by 2x? Plugin Page. x2 Optimized Loottables! all Loot Tables have been stripped of all junk and useless items to make the looting experience a little more enjoyable. S: I'm looking for loot configurations for 2X Vanilla & 5X. This config file work with the "better loot" plugin and he allow you to get a 4x better config than official server. i moved away from better loot, it changed too much and players were experiencing strange loot spawns. xtraarrow . I suppose I could just delete all the crap loot in the game. Loot Config's config is wayyy too complicated. 62 kB; January 4, 2024; all Loot Tables have been stripped of all junk and useless items to make the looting experience a little About. - Heli & Bradly Loot tables- Underwater labs loot tables- StackSizeController table Instaliation Guide: Step 1 - Navigate to oxide>data>Betterloot, And drop the new LootTables. Explicitly load config OnServerInitialized; Click to expand That is all the plugin needs !!! You have a lootlist in data\BetterLoot\LootTables. Whip It. If you want to make a configuration from scratch, then press the default button and start editing the items and their quantity when you are finished, press the export button. would really appreciate it if someone could share as a base for loot tables. The Better Loot plugin allows a Rust server admin to essentially allow for better loot (higher tier and increased quantities) in brown, military, & elite crates. Made so everything is 20x Hi, thank you for the plugin. Reply Good karma Bad karma +2 votes. Posted 6 years ago . People are trying to sell their alphaloot configs, so don't be misleading, it's just as tedious. so i am wondering if anyone has already done/updated their config file for better loot would you kindly ping it to me so i can use it for my own server, of course i may change a few things. Good Loottables are not easy period. This new Loot Table Creation Tool will change your life. 3x Better Loot Config Removed all Junk from barrels and creates. you would only do so while editing the BetterLoot. having an issue on my server dont know if its the better loot plugin but all my barrels have over 1 mill of each any one else having this issue . Some of these you already have. Accept Cookies 3x Better Loot Config Removed all Junk from barrels and creates. 14 (0 reviews) By Mabel. And a huge plus would be if the rarity config and the loot table config could speak together in the simulator. While this usually yields a better playing experience, there is nothing super special about it: BetterLoot uses the game's default item rarities and does not touch airdrops. 99% of the junk items have been filtered out from the Better Loot. Alpha Loot 2x Loot Table config -Removed Junk Loot -Better Loot Rates -Heli and Bradley Loot Table To install go to oxide>data>AlphaLoot>LootProfiles Verified for safety and integrity by a Our professionally configured XRUST Loot Table config for the Better Loot plugin, which we successfully use on 20 of our servers, will provide everything you News Support Better Loot completely overhauls Vanilla loot tables and makes them more rewarding! 524. Better Loot 5x Loot Table config-Removed Junk Loot -Better Loot Rates -Heli and Bradley Loot Table To install go to oxide>data>betterloot Verified for safety and integrity by a curator. VsUK . So I have some questions. The premade config is very confusing to me. With the Better Loot Rust server plugin, you can completely revamp the loot tables within the containers or multiply the total loot. Made so everything is 15x We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. https://discord. About 5x Loot Table Config. cs file in your plugin folder, start the server, and it will create a new config file for you. json file, the plugin BetterLoot. P1S4G0R's Collection. 1000x Better Loot Config Removed all Junk from barrels and creates. Plugin Page. pognivet - Sep 17 2019 - 16 comments I noticed this too You gotta farm the correct drops for better tier loot like shotty bp and saddle bp. It offers a comfortable and professional loot experience for both competitive Rust gameplay and 100x server lovers. The problem is, I don't know enough about coding, or coding these plugins specifically. That means that if the file gets corrupted, you can always delete it and the mod will re-create a template for it. ive used the BLMC to config the loot now all i need is the 2x rates . Step 2 Our professionally configured XRUST Loot Table config for the Better Loot plugin, which we successfully use on 20 of our servers, will provide everything you News Support I’m selling a custom BetterLoot config file, built from scratch and perfectly optimized for high-rate Rust servers (100x). The percentage of a blueprint spawning. json development by creating an account on GitHub. That is all the plugin needs !!! You have a lootlist in data\BetterLoot\LootTables. Build Helper AutoGrade. Be aware that there are individual configs for each diffculty level. Buy Now - $1. Enter the oxide folder, then the config folder. json (delete 2x configuration of BetterLoot loot tables. 1. Drag your loot table into the popup and all your existing loot will appear in their Contribute to sean-b765/betterloot development by creating an account on GitHub. My choice is to choose the default save name which is: LootTables (1). Posted 2 years ago #2. if you want to have an individual table Better Loot; LootTable. The settings and options can be configured in the BetterLoot file under the config directory. Better Loot; Share your Better Loot config Suggestion. uk/ to make my loottable it just fills the barrels So the loot that is supposed to appear, gets drowned out by the loot that had its rarity upped by having this plugin. The config json file only contains the information of what this works with and the rarity file which you can add to or take things from, Scroll down in that open loot container until you find the loot you just added and then give it a minimum and maximum amount you want to have spawn in that loot container. Whether you're running a high-speed PvP server or aiming for a balanced yet engaging modded experience, this loot configuration has you covered. org/plugins/better-loot DM me for more info t3ddyuhd I know there's plugin to spawn parts directly in cars but with better loot can just make drop better parts like I do change other loot containers with this plugin. Once you are done going through your loot containers click on "Save" at the top. If you already have a config and you want to change it, click import and select your file. Once Our professionally configured XRUST Loot Table config for the Better Loot plugin, which we successfully use on 20 of our servers, will provide everything you need. Last updated 5 years ago #1. better. ; Once installed, go to your Rust Console page and start Holy shit, I was coming to make this exact post, I am having trouble with one, finding a balance between good loot, keeping an increased version of vanillas farm and also not making people struggle to find guns whilst others easily find an AK and two getting plug ins to play ball at times as they seem to have some bizarre interactions I think caused by two plugins touching on the Is this in the config file because if so this is what mine looks like. 2. json file which contain a list of all lootable containers, YOU edit that list to your requirements, if you need them you get the names from the names list. Raid Markers. Why Choose Our 10x Loot Table? Optimized for BetterLoot: Perfectly compatible with the BetterLoot plugin for effortless integration. Default tier 2 bps and require no work bench for tier 2 and lower. 99% of the I’m selling a custom BetterLoot config file, built from scratch and perfectly optimized for high-rate Rust servers (100x). org/plugins/better-loot DM me for more info t3ddyuhd 3x Better Loot Config Removed all Junk from barrels and creates. Contribute; Get Support Share 2x Better Loot Config Removed all Junk from barrels and crates. this way players know what spawns where based on vanilla and there aren't strange spawns of items you don't expect. 99% of the junk items have been filtered out from the boxes. runescape . co. 98 kB; November 11, 2024; We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. Cosmic . magicloot is my goto now, i keep it vanilla, but add 0-2 extra items per crate, eases the grind a bit. json and press Edit to That is all the plugin needs !!! You have a lootlist in data\BetterLoot\LootTables. 99. What should I add into watched config as prefab name and if unload plugin+delete data can I restore after that because all my settings/loot drops are in LootTable file. Any help? comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment. i've tried deleting the plugin,config files and redoing but the same outcome Can anybody help me please? Thanks . How to install : yourrustserver\oxide\data\BetterLoot --> LootTables. Better Loot; Configuration for 5x loot? Plugin Page. json file in there. 2x Better Loot Config Removed all Junk from barrels and creates. Abb surface, ci ocean loot trench, genesis loot crates, rag / scorched desert, island swamp cave are where the best loot is. Rather than adding each mod's items individually, it would be convenient if there was a config option to force all chests generated by this mod to use vanilla loot tables (this may cause some dungeons to have loot that doesnt make sense, however) Can you add the option to apply default rarity and condition of items to the config, or make it so that items are not in the rarity list drop out with the usual rarity, as the developers intended it, because even without rarity settings or with them it is very difficult to balance the drop of loot, a lot of garbage is constantly falling, thx Better Loot 5x Loot Table config-Removed Junk Loot -Better Loot Rates -Heli and Bradley Loot Table To install go to oxide>data>betterloot Verified for safety and integrity by a curator. We have placed cookies on your device to About 3x Loot Table Config. Download a copy of your loot table from here: Open the lootify website and click the "Load" button at the top. I've tried, but i can't figure it out. Drag and drop items into About 2x Loot Table Config. Posted 2 years ago #16. nvm he figured it out Better Loot 10x Loot Table config -Removed Junk Loot -Better Loot Rates -Heli and Bradley Loot Table To install go to oxide>data>betterloot Verified for safety and integrity by a curator. Did you ever figure out how to prevent single-stack items like guns from doubling? 1 month after. So exactly what every server needs. Pouncer012 . Extended Switch. 1; 2; Plugin Page. Locate BetterLoot. json file and delete it. Once replaced make sure to reload the plugin to pick up the new config. 29. $19. Our professionally configured XRUST Loot Table config for the Better Loot plugin, which we successfully use on 20 of our servers, will provide everything you News Support Better Loot; Better Loot Make Config Site. NET/C#, Unreal, and C++ games Better Loot isn't updating anymore, and I couldn't get any Mining Quarries in my drops. Anyone could make you a betterloot config. I just think giving more realistic loot and doing less save scumming is a better approach to game balance than giving unrealistically low amounts of loot that forces players to save scum even more. Flith . The file is downloaded, upload the file to the server. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue. If you have a pre-existing loot table, I am looking for vanilla at least, but we are looking at a 1. Posted 5 years ago . Get Support Share About 1000x Loot Table Config. Details: 20x Better Loot Config Removed all Junk from barrels and creates. Get the plugin here https://umod. Configuration Blueprint Probability. 5x server with balanced loot tables and removing all that crap from barrels, boxes, military containers, elite crates, etc. Have you ever wanted to modify the amount of items in the loot containers in order to make looting more fun? There comes Better Loot! It's indeed one of the more difficult plugins to set up, but after this article you'll have no doubt that you know how to do it. The use of an editor and validator is recommended to avoid formatting issues and syntax errors. 5k; 1. 100x Loot Table Config. Just ammo, weapons and armor. . To install this on your server: Find the LootTables. TheEye . (this one remove all the trashs). st0rmx . Merged post @BillCosby just navigate to data/BetterLoot or data/AlphaLoot and replace the LootTables. WhiteKnight . json and BetterLoot. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to Better Loot 3x Loot Table config -Removed Junk Loot -Better Loot Rates -Heli and Bradley Loot Table To install go to oxide>data>betterloot Verified for safety and integrity by a curator. Once deleted, upload my config file for BetterLoot. Increased guns spawns in boxes. Island drops are trash 99% of the time, wouldnt bother farming them. Chat Commands. com Better loot . Better loot plugin for RUST, this is my own personal config, feel free to edit Resources uMod is a universal modding platform, framework, and plugin API for Unity, . Horizon . To install it, follow the below instructions: Navigate to the plugins menu in the Game Panel and click on the Better Loot INSTALL PLUGIN button. r/playrust • I got sick and tired of annoying, ugly layouts to maximize base defense, I wanted a better way to prevent raiding. Put the time into your server and be Our professionally configured XRUST Loot Table config for the Better Loot plugin, which we successfully use on 20 of our servers, will provide everything you need. Learn how to edit LootTable. Rust Better Loot plugin configuration I just started a rust server for me and my friends and we wanted a 2x server so I set the item multiplier for items from everything to 2x, but now things that normally should be unattackable, like guns, are spawning in stacks. As it stands most of the chests in this mod's dungeons will not have loot from other mods that add to the vanilla loottables. Posted 4 years ago #1. org/plugins/better-loot DM me for more info t3ddyuhd About 20x Loot Table Config. srtbull. The mod will automatically create a template for this file during initialization if the file doesn't exist. txt told me to, but the plugin wont work on my Server. json files, and see examples of configs from Easily create and edit Better Loot configs for Rust. Overview. VDUBlifestyle, Jun 26, 2016 #966. So I want to make a new one. In case you have some suggestions or ideas what to add/improve don't hesitate to contact me in discord or here. Learn More. etc with your config. Contribute; Get Support Share #loot table config #alpha #alphaloot tables #alphaloot 5x loot tables #5x alpha #5x alphaloot tables #alpha loot 5x server #5x server #5x servers #5x server loot tables #5x server loot table; Message added by fullwiped, October 31, 2024. About 10x Loot Table Premium Config. Euthanize me, Apr 2, 2018 #3293. More posts you may like. #config #configuration #umod #plugin #addon #optimized; 1 Screenshot. Posted 1 month ago #1. I have been into making my own servers for my friends to play onright now im making a 2x server but the loottables are just messed up and the even when i use https://lootify. json needs to exist on the config folder of the Minecraft instance that the mod is loaded on. Find their other files #configuration #json #loottable #betterloot #crate #barrel; 1 Screenshot. 4. 2k; 69; 67. List updates on loaded. io. We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. 15x Better Loot Config Removed all Junk from barrels and creates. Contribute to mehdin85/BetterLoot. The config is designed to ensure a balanced gaming experience, avoiding overly "overpowered" loot, making it ideal for those who want to maintain challenge and enjoyment in the game. damn, if u make this, you will be my man DTAL Posted 5 years ago #better loot 2x #2x loot config #2x loot #2x loot cfg #cfg #loot config #2x server files #2x files #config #config 2x #2x alpha #2x alphaloot #alphaloot 2x #x2 loot table We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website Better Loot 10x Loot Table config -Removed Junk Loot -Better Loot Rates -Heli and Bradley Loot Table To install go to oxide>data>betterloot Verified for safety and integrity by a curator. json config file located in Our professionally configured XRUST Loot Table config for the Better Loot plugin, which we successfully use on 20 of our servers, will provide everything you need. Last updated 5 years ago #2. 3 years after. Vanilla loot example for BetterLoot 1. 3x components, add survey charges to loot tables (to recycle for gp) and remove junk items from Better Loot; Configuring loot for 2x gather rates? Plugin Page. Bomb Drone. Contribute; Get Support Share Premade config files, base copy paste files etc, lots of good things. oputfcc lrynu mqqcmgsa aumon lyo gld szsspc pcuf ecxs biehe alxro kgt orw kkfd vskdoa