Jira filter issues in epic. JIRA Query (JQL) to filter those issues within a .
Jira filter issues in epic The problem with this is that I need to update the query everytime I add a new epic. if you want to filter only issues that are not epics or stories use: parentEpic = MYPROJECT-1234 and type NOT IN (story, epic) Alternatively, view the detailed view of the issue on the board, locate the Epic field, then click the 'x' in the epic name lozenge (this method also works in the Active sprints of a board). Such as: for any epics that have label = XYZ, then Identifying all the issues under a specific epic isn’t always intuitive, particularly in Jira Cloud. Here's how it looks: issuetype = "Task" and "Epic Name" in (issuetype = epic AND fixVersion = "Version 12. We have scriptrunner add on available in Jira. Jira Server and Jira Data Center don't have a native feature to do what you want. So if you are just looking for all of your “User Stories”, then you are best serviced by checking for that type. : Update an epic's details: For the epic name, click the arrow next to the name, then choose Edit name. " Like with Epics, we do not want this issue type showing in the backlog. Contributor. I use the following JQL but I do not get any results. The ideal way to do this IMO is to assign their team leader to their epics and have Jira filter to show all the issues within that set of epics. Status dimension will split issues in epic by their status. As alternative you can link issue with more epics with issue linking feature in Jira. Then add a Status dimesion on Columns. In JQL Tricks, parent and subtask JQL functions work with parent/child (subtask) link type. We expect to see only "Stories" on the backlog. You can also apply the following filters to view specific issues: Assignee: You can filter issues by selecting the avatar or by searching the name of the assignees. The rule might have to be a bit complex as you would have to look at the change log for the child issue to see if the parent Epic info was changed and get the original and new values. My epics all have labels. This JQL querry filters the issues of type "Story" and "Task" that have either no epic linked to them or that have an epic linked and the epic's status is at "in progress". Can you display Due Date for Tasks and Sub-Tasks on the Epic view? For a particular Project. assignee in (admin) Hello! In epic Issue there is a division of the board "Issues in this epic" and "Subtasks" and it is impossible to create more boards. July 4, 2018 . If your use case is more dynamic than that, look beyond standard Jira. You can use a JQL filter to make a board that shows the relevant work items based on whatever criteria you want. 1 - for example this epic is linked with these issues. Many JQL can show the issues in an epic, but Save it as a filter and do another JQL expression for finding all the issues that To the best of my knowledge there is no restriction on displaying custom fields as part of a Jira/Issues Filter macro in Confluence Data Center. issue in allIssuesInEpic(EPIC ID) It will get all issues belongs to the epic you provided along with any sub tasks. One solution I currently have is to physically move the Epics on hold to a different project, where they can sit and wait to be moved back later next year. Why are the Epic Names not showing in the Issues Filter? All of the issues are "Child issues" and showing EPIC JQL (Jira Query Language) lets you formulate search queries that exactly match your Jira configuration. Agnieszka Johnson. I have a query for that - project = "TTT2" AND status != Completed ORDER BY "Epic Link" Of course, that does not show any sub tasks (they appear at the bottom of the list) I would like the sub tasks to appear with the Epic. I also thought about using issue in (linkedIssues(AAA-###) ) but I imagine this will involve programatically looping through all the stories that are returned in the above query. I would like to create a filter whereby I can show all child issues and epics that belong to an epic that has a specific label. Understanding Issue Types in Jira; What are Issues in Jira; What I want to filter all issues that are linked to one or more epics. So, the structure of my project is as follows: Epic 1. If you are willing to consider paying for a third party app, you might consider this one: Agile tools & filters for jira software . There is one though if you create a new subtask for the epic ( i can convert for the time JIRA filter board by epic status = "in progress" Ask Question Asked 8 years ago. Many JQL can show the issues in an epic, but none of them show subtasks and sometimes the team wants to get all issues and I would like to create a filter whereby I can show all child issues and epics that belong to an epic that has a specific label. Efficiently managing and tracking progress in Jira often requires sorting issues based on various criteria. I only have come this far: issuetype != Epic AND "Epic Link" = EMPTY . As well, if a ticket is if type subclass, it will have a parent. bcrawl bcrawl. For example: "Epic Link" IN linkedIssuesInQuery("issueType = Epic AND Use JQL to create nested queries, enabling you to filter issues based on the results of another query, which is particularly useful for complex hierarchical relationships in your projects. ABC-123 is Epic key. project = APT. Issue 7; Each Epic has two custom fields - Theme (Checkbox) and Business Line For example, you can filter on specific projects, the reporter being the currentUser(), etc: This is helpful in finding the inverse of the original request (finding Jira issues with no epics). And I need one where I see all the issues from a given set of epics. Navigate to the area where you need to use this filter JQL and reference your filter in the JQL box using the JQL like below. You may try to use the Table Filter and Charts for Confluence app. I'm trying to filter to show all issues for a given team. You might want to search for "issues in Epic" link type, i. When constructing your JQL query, it’s important to tell Jira where it should search for work items by including or excluding specific projects or Hello, I am using a Team-managed project and looking to set up a filter to quickly bulk assign issues to an epic. I can easily setup a filter to return the epic for a given user - or return all tickets assigned to a user We have multiple epics under a project and we are not able to see or filter our Issues based on Epics they are tied to. If you want to combine this with the above 3: "Epic link" is empty OR "Epic link" not in (CR, KM, MS) //Will filter issues that EITHER have no Epic link, or do but just not one of the 3 or If epic id is for example "MYPROJECT-1234" you can find all subtasks under that epic using JQL filter query on Jira Advanced Search page: parentEpic = MYPROJECT-1234. Issue type - Only show issues of a certain type, based on your plan’s configuration. is there a plan to offer a similar functionality for Apply other filters. If you have the epic panel i want to have a filter that gives me all issues with a specific epic link and all their sub-Tasks. I'm using scriptrunner. Labels live much longer, and I can easily search for epics with a label: I’ve been working on go-to-market kits for large features recently, and needed to show all of the issues included in a specific epic on a Confluence page. So I wolud like to know, how can I to make a "quick filter" JQL that allow me to see all the issue with thats issuelinked Hi, I'd like to create a custom filter which will find me all the issues associated with multiple epics. I also want to exclude any issues with don't have a parent (epic). What I'm struggling with is finding a way of For Jira users looking to manage and track issues and subtasks within an Epic, Jira Query Language (JQL) is an essential tool. 0") If you want to run your search dynamically, without manually "stitching" two queries together, you'll need extra tooling: You might be able to use Jira Automation to "propagate" epic information down to the epic's children, and then use the respective field(s) on the children to include them into your filter. Parent issue (such as Epic) - View only issues related to a specific higher-level work item. There is no filtering in the "Issues in this epic" board and therefore when I want to create an issue it is created automatically at the bottom of the list and my different issue types are arranged in a chaotic order. Add issues to epics. Modified 4 years, 1 month ago. Available links are: [clones, is cloned by, created, created by, Depends on, Depending Issue, duplicates, is duplicated by, is Epic of, has Epic, Related to, Related from, tests, tested by]" Any clue what went wrong? Alternatively, view the detailed view of the issue on the board, locate the Epic field, then click the 'x' in the epic name lozenge (this method also works in the Active sprints of a board). e. How do I create a filter search for. certainly, you can count the number of Tasks linked to corresponding epic. Team Managed Project Settings : For team managed projects Add a new epic: Click Create epic (you will need to hover over the 'EPICS' panel to show this link), enter the epic details, and create it. So far, I've hit a brick wall. Regular users will find (filter) everything they need in the view mode easily. When I want to collect the issues into my view, I use this JQL: "Epic Link"="BearHug" OR labels in (BearHug) That filter filters out everything but issues within the Epic "BearHug" and also issues that have the label "BearHug". 13. Obviously, this will add a fair bit of complexity to I have Epics in a primary project with assigned Stories across multiple projects. Issue 4; Issue 5; Epic 3. Usage: Useful for showing dependencies, duplicates, or any other custom relationships between issues. View More Comments You must be a registered user to add a comment. I got some of it done but I know it's not correct. Click the Epic dropdown filter > Click the To find if an issue is not assigned to any epic you can just look for issues which do not have any Epic link value with: "Epic link" is empty . Can some one help? jira; jql; Share. Filter 'Epics' with all issues in epic closed except a story with a determinate title-summary. I want to write a query that gives me all the stories that are in each epic that is associated with the fixVersion of Version 1. Filter issues by epic: Click the epic in the 'EPICS' Drag and drop the issue onto the Issues without epics section in the panel. e. Filters available on the Calendar view. It has in the past intermittently shown the Epic names but would disappear every other day or so. In search it works withount any problem, showing me all my epics and if I change to. The below JQL works: project=TML AND parentEpic in (TML-2731, TML-3053) But then I need to know the IDs of the epics, and these only live for few weeks. Epic link is getting blank , and epic link actually coming inside parent . I need help to filter in a way that returns Issues under a list of Epics (I've already defined the list of Epics using a Filter). EPIC JQL (Jira Query Language) lets you formulate search queries that exactly match your Jira configuration. Learn more about the power of JQL queries. Purpose: Specifically used to group multiple issues under a single Epic. Plus, query results can be saved and used If you want to run your search dynamically, without manually "stitching" two queries together, you'll need extra tooling: You might be able to use Jira Automation to "propagate" epic information down to the epic's children, and then use the respective field(s) on the children to include them into your filter. Filter which issues show I am trying to write a Jira JQL filter that combines parentEpic with a label or a filter. We have multiple epics under a project and we are not able to see or filter our Issues based on Epics they are tied to. This works now since I don't have to many Epics yet. It is possible? Thanks a lot in. You can add Issue Type dimension to Pages and select (filter) which issues should be counted there. Filter issues by epic. fetching the Child issues from JIRA EPICS and displaying in I must be doing something fundamentally wrong but this simple query does not work in JIRA JQL: issuetype = Epic. ) 2. Add a filter where the Issue key column from the Issue table equals the key of the parent epic issue that you want data for. issuetype = Spot. Follow asked Apr 1, 2021 at 14:18. Such as: for any epics that have label = XYZ, then show the epic AND the children of that epic in my query results. There may be others. "Epic Link"!="BearHug" OR labels not in (BearHug) That filter filters out a bunch of issues that don't meet that logic. Ask a question Jira; Questions; Set filter for issues without Epic link; Set filter for issues without Epic link . Even when limited to one project I The filters work great in Jira and also display all the right epics on my confluence page, but the "Epic Name" column does not show any values. filter='NameOfHisSharedESFilter'. How can create a filter that results in all of the primary project's Epics and the associated stories. Is this what you are looking for JQL wise? You can update the report Ilze made above removing Issue status from Measures. This is an automatic feature (see image below) in boards I've used for different projects, but for a new project wanted to use the Kanban template for the first time. Improve this question. I would like to search for tasks located under several epics. With standard JQL, you can only get a list of issues and export them to Excel for further processing. You can then edit the epic like any other issue. You can select Unassigned to view issues that don’t have an I'm working in the backlog on my scrum board to prep upcoming sprints. Atlassian uses cookies to improve your browsing experience, perform analytics and research, and conduct advertising. Here you can see the filter for task,epic,story but i want to have only tasks in. I want to make sure that my stories are attached to the appropriate epic. Heads up! On March 5, starting at 4:30 PM Central Time, our community will be undergoing scheduled maintenance for a few hours. Jira; Questions; filter by issues with no version like in the epic panel; filter by issues with no version like in the epic panel thank you for the great products! When selecting epic to filter by in the project backlog, one can select "issues without epic" alongside any number of epic. I have make one initiative as parent of several Epics and the Epics have stories as their child issues. when you view the Epic, you can see the Issues (in our case Tasks and Sub Tasks) They show the Status and the Assignee - Id like to see the Due Date on this view as well Does anyone know if this is possib I need to create a filter where I can sort all tasks that are not. One common requirement is to filter issues by their associated epic. I am using something like "Epic Link" in (ABC-1, ABC-18) where ABC-1, ABC-18 are my epics. With JQL Tricks you can try this (be careful about different quotation marks): I think this is because JIRA reads this as "Retrieve sub-tasks for EPIC-123" (which is 0) as opposed to "Retrieve sub-tasks for stories in EPIC-123". Tina Park. Filters help you find specific issues Epic Names Not Showing : If filtering based epics ensure epic names visible issue navigator verify column configuration included. 4. Labels live much longer, and I can easily search for epics with a label: As you're on Jira Cloud, the correct answer is to get an app that provides JQL extensions you're looking for. Use JQL to target particular issue types and their statuses, helping you to track and manage specific categories of work across your projects. Richard Kallas March 9, 2022 . g. as one would expect. The Board filter is configured to include issues of type Epic (Epic issues are not filtered out by the filter and therefore the Board) The status of the Epic issue is mapped to a column in the Board Columns configuration page (otherwise, the With only native Jira filter capabilities it is not possible to filter for Epics based on whether or not they have child issues. -- For Jira Server --In your Issues search section, go to the Columns selector and choose to include the field "Issues in Epic" in your results. issuetype != Epic. I'm New Here. I wish to have a filter that shows me everything in that project except for Epic APT-16 and the issues inside it. I got a list of desired Epic through this JQL: project IN ("A Pjt","B Pjt") AND " Quarterly" = "2022 Q4" AND type = "Epic" In order to get all issues under these epics, I tried to use parentEpic() function with: parentEpic IN ('project IN I've tagged EPIC-1, EPIC-4, AND EPIC-6 an potentially other epics as well with the fixVersion of Version 1. Hi. Francis Lee Mondia. Epics; Linked to an Epic as a task (not issue to issue link but set as a task under Epic" Are subtasks of Epics; Are subtasks of parent tasks that are linked to an Epic . Filter issues by epic: Click the epic in the 'EPICS' panel to show only issues in that epic. In this blog, I’ll show you a simple JQL query to help project managers, Scrum I can filter for BL1, which returns Epic 1, Epic 2, and Epic 3. All help is welcomed :)--Urmas Hi, I would like to filter by all open Epics or resolved on/after 01-01-2024 along with their child issues. This gadget displays the issues from a filter by their hierarchy in form of Initiatives (Portfolio Epic) > In the "Issues" screen of my Jira Software Project, I would like to group all issues by Epic. Accept all cookies to indicate that you agree to our use of cookies on your device. Issues in Epic. 11. Create . But didn't find parent option in two dimensional filter You must be a registered user to add a comment. What are you seeing when you try that filter for the board? And, do you have issues without epics? If so, you may want to also check for empty epic link, such as: project = X AND labels = xyz AND ("Epic Link" != X-123 OR "Epic Link" IS Create a filter with specified Epics as the below; Project = XYZ and Epic link in ( Mention your Epics) Place a two-dimensional gadget; Epic link VS Status; Epic Link will display Epic Names, and the statuses show how many issues are there in that epic status. What I thought of was to create a complicated filter but it also doesn't work. To remove the filter, ensure that no epic is selected in Jira; Questions; Filter 'Epics' with all issues in epic closed except a story with a determinate title-summary. Also if you can create duplicate issues and link them to individual epics if you looking to get more accurate reports for your epics. Alternatively, click 2. 0. 3- when i search for all issues, the epic link column is empty, although all my issues are linked with epics (i created them using the '+' And then you could create a filter based on that custom field to find the Epics where the field value indicated the Epic had no children. It will return, from highest to lowest a list of all epics in the specified project, ordered by the number of issues in each epic. Currently you cannot link issue to multiple epics via Epic Link due scrum board constrains as it may deviate your report results. Solved: I want to make a filter to filter tasks in a specific epic. Save the filter and share it (This creates a copy of the filter as a standard Jira filter where we synchronise the list of issue keys returned by the enhanced search filter. com Hi @Sudhir,. This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to accomplish this, ensuring you can I also would like to use this same strategy for initiatives to view all epics with their issues in an initiative, and using the search/advanced search option. Types: Only relates to the Epic and its child issues (stories Introduction Jira filters and dashboards are essential tools for managing projects efficiently in Jira Cloud. 11 1 1 How to search for JIRA issues NOT in filter. Add a filter for Issue type from the Issue table under “Jira family of products” equals 'Epic'. Similarly, I can filter for Theme 2, which returns Epic 2 and Epic 4. This works if you want to do a one-off analysis. Create Automation Rule(s) to update that field as new child issues are added or child issues are removed from Initiative > Epic > Story. - Return all issues linked to epics that are assigned to a particular user (the issues could be assigned to any user - only the epic is assigned to the specified user) - I don't understand the suggestion above, or how to adapt this for what I want to achieve. Product Q&A Groups Learning Events please share with us a screen of Jira issue and their relation with the Epic to see if it is correctly setup or even if its linked using other issue link Flexibility: Can link any issue to any other issue, regardless of their type or project. JQL is a flexible yet robust logic that can be used in a variety of different ways. In our new next-gen project we made an issue type called "Initiative. Outside of your timeline, there are two ways to add issues to epics: Via the backlog. All the epics have a unique suffix "Version 12", but I can't filter with wildcards. JIRA Query (JQL) to filter those issues within a Solved: Hello! I have this filter that is finding the epics that I need: project = xxxx AND type = Epic AND (Resolved > -60d OR Status not in. Change the aggregation of all columns to Group. Above query will fetch all user story, Tasks and Defects if linked, if you want to know only Tasks or Story then "Epic link" = ABC-123 AND issues Type = Task . All you should need to do is place your cursor in the Columns to Display field and start typing in the name of the field you want. Is there a way, doesn't matter using QF or not, that if we want to see only 1 epic at a Solved: I'm trying to use JQL, and Script Runner functions, to construct filters which give me a list of issues (typically stories) in a project Just a heads up: On March 24, 2025, starting at 4:30pm CDT / 19:30 UTC, the site will be undergoing scheduled maintenance for a Firstly, Jira treats Epics as a type of parent object, so you are on the right track for checking there. The response from Shay Levy is a Use the filters to find and edit your epic. you can filter the results to only include epics that have been I would like my list of Epics in the Epics Panel to show the 17 Epics that I have scheduled for 2019, maybe even just the 9 Epics scheduled for the next couple of quarters. From your project’s sidebar, select Backlog. Product Q&A Groups Learning Events . Right now, I'm using JQL as ' issuetype in (Initiative, Epic, story) OR parent in (Epic-1, Epic-2, Epic-3). Issue 1; Issue 2; Issue 3; Epic 2. I want to set-up a specific filter in my Kanban board with a drop-down in which I can select a specific Epic so I can see all tasks related to that Epic in my board. For other fields, click the arrow next to the epic's name, then choose View epic details. This is just one app that could give you the ability to have an option to filter the issues be a list of Epics. In your visual mode query, add the Issue key column from the Issue table under “Jira family of products”. Select the relevant epic in the panel to show only issues in that epic. Hide "Done" Issues in Epic Section "Issues In Epic " in Jira . Solved: Hello, I'm able to select Jira issues by project or Lables but I'm not able to filter issues by Epic Link. Obviously, this will add a fair bit of complexity to And then you could create a filter based on that custom field to find the Epics where the field value indicated the Epic had no children. I need help to get a 'JQL query' in a 'quick filter' of a Kamban board where I manage epics. . My problem (frustration!) is that I'm unable to sort/filter all the epics in the I have an number of Epics in that project (APT-1, APT-3, APT-16) I have a number of issues of several types (stories, bugs, tasks) in those epics. Shows all issues, epics, etc. Is there a possibility to filter by the parents epic link? so a JQL query could look I'm looking for a JQL query/filter to return a list of child issues from a list of active parents (EPICs). Why are the Epic Names not showing in the Issues Filter? All of the issues are "Child issues" and showing on the Board and can be filtered by Epic name there, but in the issue filter, the column is just blank. Click All issues to remove the filter. Daina / support@eazybi. 3. "Epic Link" in (ABC-11) I am trying to filter within a Next-Gen-Project but there are also classic projects. Product Q&A Groups Jira; Questions; Find all issues in epics that are open and resolved less than 60d ago; Find all issues in epics that are open and resolved less than 60d ago . This query returns the PROJECT = TestPrj AND issuetype = EPIC; All the issues (Story type) that belong to a particular Epic - to give me the status report for all stories that belong to a given epic; In Confluence you could use the JIRA Filter and issues Macro, with your query search for all stories (maybe order by "Epic Link" in addition), make the field "Epic I am trying to write a Jira JQL filter that combines parentEpic with a label or a filter. For your case you can use the following query . It took me longer than I’d like to work out, so here’s how to do it: Insert a Jira Issue / Filter; Use the filter "Epic Link"=EPIC-123 ORDER BY createdDate ASC, customising the epic name 1. I'm looking to use raw JQL (not using any plugins) to filter for all issues (tasks, bugs, subtasks) under several epics from another JQL. Optional: Rename the Issue key column "Could not find any issue link type having either inward or outward description: has Epic. It enables the extraction of detailed information about @Linda Marshall you can use JQL Search Extensions for Jira & reports, it have amazing built in queries which solve almost all reporting issues. Thomas Cucolo. An easier way might be to use the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Gadget offered by our Great Gadgets app. Trying to create a filter to extract all the child issues for all the epics present in a single or multiple projects in Jira Cloud? Tried few JQL functions but able to filter only particular epic child issues but need a function or query to filter to extract all the child issues of all the epics present in a single or multiple projects in Jira Cloud. Alternatively, open the issue detail view, locate the Epic Link field, then select the 'x' in the epic name lozenge. using the "Epic Link" field. Create a custom field to keep track of the count of child issues, and add the field to the Epic issues. I do not want to include any stories outside of the primary project that are not associated with the primary project's Epics. And I have create a plan to include initiative, Epic and story. I have a Project with many issue and this issue have some issues linked reason "is blocking by". April 29, 2022 . Issue 6; Epic 4. In your visual mode query, add the Issue ID, and Issue key columns from the Issue table under “Jira family of products”. Easiest way is to go the issue and `link the epic using `link-issues` to it by selecting `Created by` in the drop-down. Now I know I can do it like this: project = Project-name AND parent in (ISSUE-1, ISSUE-2) But I'd rather do it like this: project = Project-name AND parent in ( EpicName ~ SomeString ) Is that p I am currently editing the Quick Filters of my Agile project in JIRA. Wrap you Jira Issues macro in the Table Filter macro and set the required filters: You don't need to change your JQL query in the Jira Issues macro - just show all the fields. Specific issue types: issuetype = Epic AND status != Done. How do we filter out tasks with a type of "Initiative" from showing on our backlog? Jira; Questions; JQL filter that will find all Epics in Implementing and all issues in the Epic are in Done status; JQL filter that will find all Epics in Implementing and all issues in the Epic are in Done status . Filter issues by epic: Click the epic in I need a list of all issues underneath these epics. Hi All, I kinda realize now that this might be a request for a new feature as obviously there's no way to filter the issues in Epic section. project = Hi, We have a Kanban board used by a team of 5 people, let's say each member has 20 epics and varies numbers of tasks related to the epics, so in total there are 100 different epics and many other type tickets. OR, to solve your issue, you can try Time in Status for Jira Cloud and its Pivot Alternatively, view the detailed view of the issue on the board, locate the Epic field, then click the 'x' in the epic name lozenge (this method also works in the Active sprints of a board). Go to Issues or structure and use this jql query "Epic link" = ABC-123. Remove argument to search all link types. 2 - when I search for issues with no epic link, nothing is there. hpwrsngvmunoyknczspqtxbzzuzihzcuqimpkiybtpixplyqauhsjumeevskcarcopqgpg