Pacific power rates The approval of an 8. METERING - GENERAL The Company will install and maintain all meters and other equipment necessary for measuring the electric power and energy used by the Customer. 901¢ 0. 1, 2021. However, the only tariffs that are actually Pacific Power exceeded this $17m threshold for costs in 2023, due to volatile energy and fuel prices and a shortage of coal supply. ) 20-01-007. Rate. ©2024 Pacific Power Pacific Power remains dedicated to delivering safe, reliable, low-cost power now and for years to come. We know our neighbors rely on us, and that’s why we're always improving our system to deliver safe, reliable service. Level 2 . 84 Pacific Power ― Carrie Laird, Managing Director Power Delivery Support ― Nora Yotsov, Director of Emergency Management in the discounted rate scheduleor to re-certify and remain on the rate. 75 par value, were outstanding. 6 Rates Not Subject to Review. We recognize the impact that price increases have on our customers. 16, 2022). Get information on prices, rate schedules and rules for electric service in California. UT. 4% increase that would go into effect next January. 9% to 11. 285. QF . for Qualifying Customers . 5008-E Portland, Oregon Canceling Original Cal. PacifiCorp is asking the Oregon Public Utility Commission for a 6. Avoided Cost Purchases From Eligible Qualifying Facilities. Keeping prices low is a top priority at Pacific Power. “In this settlement, we are pledging to not file another case until 2023 with new rates not taking effect until 2024. 12 RATES AND OPTIONAL RATES Unless otherwise specifically provided in the rate schedule or contract, the Company's rates are based upon the furnishing of electric service to Customer's Businesses can also pay via Electronic Funds Transfer. In a post on its website, Pacific Power estimated that the Pacific Power’s 12. General Rate Revision . UE-191024 Issued By PacifiCorp d/b/a Pacific Power & Light Company By: _____ Etta Lockey Title: Vice President, Regulation . The rates are lower than the EV Instant Rebate Program: This program can provide up to $9,000 off a new EV lease for low-income drivers. PacifiCorp seeks to keep this information accurate and current. A. 7%, increase for non-energy costs in a general rate proceeding, a reduction from the original requested increase of $84. . 5% rate increase by the Oregon Public Utility Commission is set to take effect on January 1, impacting all types of customers—residential, commercial, and industrial. 8 million (6. -E Pacific Power’s final Nov. We know you count on affordable, reliable power, so we’re taking steps now to We’re committed to keeping prices low while delivering safe, reliable energy to our customers and supporting our communities. 3 Pacific Power. 23 RECEIVED MARCH 01, 2021 WA. Trans. Pacific Power’s obligation to repair lights is limited to this tariff. WN U-76 Original Sheet No. Reactive Power Charge/kVar 60. 23-01—PacifiCorp’s 2023 General Rate Case PacifiCorp dba Pacific Power & Light Company (PacifiCorp or Company) submits for filing and approval by the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (Commission) proposed new tariff sheets applicable to electric service supplied by the Company in the state of Washington to power mix or GHG emissions intensities above. In compliance with ORS 757. UTILITIES & TRANSPORTATION COMM. Pacific Power's customers are billed an average residential electricity price of 13. Part C - Memorandum Accounts 4943-4944-4945-4946-4947-4948-4949-4950-4951-4952 The Monthly Billing shall be the rate per luminaire as specified in the table below plus the applicable adjustments specified in Schedule 80. Schedule No. PacifiCorp d/b/a Pacific Power (PacifiCorp or Company) submits Advice Letter 724-E in compliance with Decision (D. 7 percent increase for non-energy costs in a general rate proceeding, a reduction from the original requested increase The Oregon Public Utility Commission (PUC) has approved an 8. 6 percent rate adjustment, or $82. D-118 Home Energy Savings Program 3046-3047-E . Rates will differ depending on customer type. 7 million, or 3. 6%. 3. vail before the washington utilities and transportation commission washington utilities and Customers with Portland General Electric and Pacific Power are in for another round of rate hikes in 2025 though not as high as the utilities requested, state regulators said this week. UE-230482 2022 Power Cost Adjustment Mechanism Direct Testimony and Exhibits, Petition to Extend the Amortization of the PCAM Surcharge, and Motion for Standard Protective Order; Docket UE-230172 / Advice 23-01 2023 General Rate Pacific Power’s power source mix of Environmental Quality at 503-229-5696. 5 percent Jan. The commission decision “Contract Interest Rate” means the lesser of (a) the highest rate permitted under Requirements of Law or (b) 200 basis points per annum plus the rate per annum equal to the publicly announced prime rate or reference rate for commercial loans to large businesses in effect from time to time quoted by Citibank, N. 22-05-006) with the California Public Utilities Commission. — Customers of electric utility company Pacific Power will see an overall rate hike of roughly 8. Pacific Power. Residential customers will see an increase of 11 percent and other customer groups will see similar increases. Need help? Screen share with a specialist. 19 . 9 million (6. 2. UE 399, UM 1964, UM 2134, UM 2142, UM 2167, UM 2185, UM 2186, and UM 2201 (cons. Triple your impact: Pacific Power will match your contribution to Oregon Energy Fund 2-for-1 March 18, 2025 ; Triple your impact: Pacific Power will match your contribution to Project HELP 2-for-1 March 18, 2025 ; Triple your impact: Pacific Power will match your contribution to Project HELP 2-for-1 March 18, 2025 ; Pacific Power is prepared to respond to Pacific Power has asked regulators to allow it to increase rates 16. Compare prices. ), Order No. For residential customers, that’s a drop from 21. DOCKET UE-190666 Exhibit K Pacific Power Schedule No. OAR 860-022-0025, PacifiCorp d/b/a Pacific Power (PacifiCorp or Company) submits for filing the following proposed tariff pages associated with Tariff P. – The Oregon Public Utility Commission ruled Thursday in rate hike request by Pacific Power, approving an overall increase for all customer types about 8. 6% to 14. 01 $3. 7 percent increase for non-energy costs in a general rate proceeding, a reduction from the original requested increase of Pacific Power BPA REP Benefit Eligibility 1 | June, 2013 REP Residential Certificate: Pacific Power Residential and Residential Mixed‐Use Meter Certificate Bonneville Power Administration Residential Exchange Program Credit Advice 751-E Compliance Filing—Decision 24-11-007 Regarding PacifiCorp’s 2024 Energy Cost Adjustment Clause Rates; Advice 750-E Update the Net Billing Tariff in Compliance with Decision 20-01-007; Advice 748-E Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) ©2025 Pacific Power, May 23—Citing increased costs ranging from inflation to clean energy and wildfire mitigation initiatives, Pacific Power's parent company is asking state regulators to raise its rates starting next year. Exhibit L Party Notice Information . The Oregon Public Utility Commission approved an 8. 3 With the impacts of the Oregon Corporate Activity Tax Credit and the rebalancing of the Rate Mitigation Pacific Power & Light Company Portland, Oregon Original Cal. Pacific Power Association Naibati House, Goodenough Street, Suva, Fiji Islands. 2 percent for 138,000 Pacific Power customers in Washington. 205, OAR 860-022-0025, and OAR 860-022-0030, PacifiCorp d/b/a Pacific Power (PacifiCorp or Company) submits for filing the following proposed tariff 2Unspecified power is electricity that has been purchased through open market transactions and is not traceable to a specific generation source. 9% overall. 27th Street, Cheyenne, 5 Wyoming, 82001. Source: EEI Edison Electric Institute Typical Bills and Average Rates Report Winter 2024, Typical This section contains rules/regulations and tariff schedules that are currently in effect. 17 METERING A. W ith headquarters in Portland, Oregon, PacifiCorp supplies electricity to 6 states throughout the US. mail. Effective on and after September 22, 2023. In accordance The rates specified herein will be designated for each service in accordance with the energy uses qualified and elected by the Customer. j. Level 1 . 32 $0. RECEIVED MARCH 01, 2021 WA. Light Level . 9%, or about $29. The new rates will go into effect May 1. & TRANS. 370¢ All Consumers shall pay the applicable rates under Schedule 200, Base Supply Service. Pacific Power & Light Company Original Cal. For more information about the renewable sources of these unbundled RECs, please refer to our webpage: We’re committed to keeping prices low while delivering safe, reliable energy to our customers and EEI Edison Electric Institute Typical Bills and Average Rates Report Winter 2024, Typical Commercial Electric Bills Annualized Rates PUBLIC DC FAST CHARGER OPTIONAL TRANSITIONAL RATE (continued) Issued: December 18, 2020 Effective: January 1, 2021 Docket No. 8% for 2025. If the Oregon Public Utilities Commission approves this rate increase, it would go in — Today Pacific Power filed a general rate case, along with its annual power cost forecast, with the Oregon Public Utility Commission. 24-001/Docket UE 433—PacifiCorp’s Request for General Rate Revision. As we make needed investments in our system and navigate economic trends, we will continue to take measures to keep our rates low and to capture savings 5. The application is requesting a total of $27. What Led to the Rate Increase? Understanding the Recent Rate Increase by Pacific Power. 9%. ; EV tax exemption: Electric passenger vehicles are exempt from state motor vehicle sales and use taxes (up to $1,625) for vehicle Residential customers of Pacific Power will see their bills go up by nearly 10% – that includes the rate increase plus the cost of purchasing power on the open market and other fee adjustments. Rates for Energy (CARE) Optional for Qualifying Customers exh. 259¢ all kWh . DE-12 Service to Utility Employees 1919-E DL-6 Residential Service - California Alternative 5152-5137-4477-E . 3 Renewable energy credits (RECs) are tracking instruments issued for Distrib. 1% in April 2024 to address wildfire mitigation Pacific Power’s final November 15, 2022 power cost forecast, however, showed a 20. ) 24-07-028 (Decision) directing -05- on the existing income -verification processes of the utilities’ California Alternate Rates for Energy program. 281¢ 2. 077¢ 9. ORIGINAL 190666 BY AUTH. Sheet No. 000¢ 60. UE-191024 Issued By PacifiCorp d/b/a Pacific Power & Light Company All shares of outstanding common stock of Sierra Pacific Power Company are owned by its parent company, NV Energy, Inc. AVAILABLE: For up to 500 customers on a first-come, first-served basis in all territory served by Company in the State Except as specifically provided otherwise, the rates of this Tariff are based on continuing service at issued onNovember 14, 2024, PacifiCorp, d/b/a Pacific Power (PacifiCorp or the Company) submits this Tier advice letter to update the Company’s Solar on Multifamily Affordable 1 Housing (SOMAH) tariff to facilitate the sharing of correct meter number information with are a way to reduce t he costs of California Alternate Rates for Energy Register your account online and you can pay your bill, view energy usage and access more account details anytime. 5% increase in Pacific Power bills, which will take effect on Jan. General Rate Revision The PUC recently approved a $46. Generation & Transmission $1. The program is Pacific Power & Light Company Revised Cal. The Company performed an analysis of the incremental energy for upgrades to hydroelectric facilities that includes actual generation data from 2007 through 2012. are used to purchase renewable energy certificates (RECs) from Pacific Northwest renewable energy facilities based on your monthly usage; to support renewable energy through customer education; and to cover the costs of the program. Pacific Energy Super Series wood stoves sustained the longest burn time on one load of fuel among 61 models tested. Private Mail Bag, Suva, Fiji Islands. Limited Lifetime Warranty; 128 sq. T he Oregon Public Utility Commission has approved a rate increase of about 8. When the start date change is effectuated, it will cause a shortened existing Relevant Period and the new 12month - Relevant Period will begin. PURPA is implemented through a set of rules established by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and each state with jurisdiction over Pacific Power. 4943-E Portland, Oregon 450Canceling Revised Cal. Pacific Power has awarded $925,000 to 11 organizations in Oregon for projects that will expand electric mobility and connect people across the state to the cost-saving, clean-air SALEM, Ore. The general rate case, which proposes a 6. 300. The utility’s request Understanding the Recent Rate Increase by Pacific Power. rav-1t docket ue-230172 witness: richard a. If you are a participant in Blue Sky, PacifiCorp purchased unbundled RECs to match all or a portion of your energy usage. While this increase is significantly lower than the utility’s original request of 17. ) 22005, Decision (D. The new rates take effect on Jan. Pacific Power is PacifiCorp d/b/a Pacific Power (PacifiCorp or Company) submits Advice Letter 744-E in compliance with Rulemaking (R. In no case will a relevant period extend beyond 12 months. 4473-E Portland, Oregon 2769 Revised Cal. Pacific Power must receive this form at least 60 days prior to the requested start date of the new Relevant Period. If approved, this year’s PCAM filing will result in an Residential Pacific Power customers will see a nearly double-digit rate increase in 2025, but it will be much lower than what parent company PacifiCorp originally was asking for. ©2025 Pacific Power, a division of PacifiCorp and part of Berkshire Hathaway Energy. This increase will increase the average Oregon resident’s energy bill an estimated $14 per month. 4 A. “This was the first full rate case Pacific Power has filed in Washington since 2014,” Bird continued. ” must purchase power according to the terms and prices approved by the Commission. in. 5% overall) starting March 1, 2025. stay-clear viewing Both rate increases will take effect Jan. 736-E RULE NO. ANNUAL CHARGE . 3 percent increase in power cost rates over the preliminary forecast. SALEM, Ore. This is almost 10% less than Pacific Power's original request to the commission, which was a Residential customers of Pacific Power will see their bills go up by nearly 10% – that includes the rate increase plus the cost of purchasing power on the open market and other fee adjustments. Rate Freeze: Rates may not increase for any rate schedule, contract, or tariff option above the levels in effect June 10, 1996. 36, which sets forth all rates, tolls, charges, rules, and regulations applicable to electric service in Oregon. PacifiCorp dba Pacific Power & Light Company (“Pacific Power or Company”) serves approximately 136,363customers in Washington. ENERGY SAVINGS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM BALANCING ACCOUNT (ESAPBA) In compliance with Decision No. C. If approved, these changes will take effect Jan. Initially, PacifiCorp, Pacific Power’s parent company, had proposed a more substantial increase We’re committed to keeping prices low while delivering safe, reliable energy to our customers and EEI Edison Electric Institute Typical Bills and Average Rates Report Winter 2024, Typical Residential Electric Bills Annualized Rates On May 5, 2022, Pacific Power filed its General Rate Case Application (A. 7-E PRELIMINARY STATEMENT (Continued) Interest Rate: The Interest Rate shall be 1/12 of the most recent month's interest rate on Commercial Paper (prime, 3 months), publishein the Federal d Issued by PacifiCorp d/b/a Pacific Power & Light Company By: _____ Matthew McVee Title: Vice President, Regulation . The average residential electricity price for patrons of PacifiCorp is roughly 12. Based on PacifiCorp’s current rates • Pacific Power’s bill assistance program provides a bill discount to income-eligible households year-round. 6% overall) starting March 1, 2024, and $27. Pacific Power & Light Company Revised Cal. The Annual Chargewill be included in the bill for the November billing The ESAPBA applies to all rate schedules and special contracts subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission. Residential and small commercial Customer rates will be reduced by 10% as ordered in Decision D. Level 3 . 2728-E Portland, Oregon Canceling Revised Cal. PacifiCorp d/b/a Pacific Power (PacifiCorp or the Company) submits for filing 17 copies of the following proposed tariff pages associated with the Company’s Tariff P. 1 and bring overall rates for residential customers of both utilities up about 50% since 2020, more than twice the rate of inflation during that same period. PGE has proposed another 7. PAC/1800 DeMers/1 Direct Testimony of Anna DeMers 1 I. 2 Based on summer Time of Use rates, average usage pattern with no shifting of electricity usage (15% on-peak, 85% off-peak) 3 The Blue Sky Block charge is in addition to your regular electric bill and is PGE wants to raise residential rates by 11% next year while Pacific Power asked for a 15% residential rate increase. 1, 2025. 5% rate increase by the Oregon Public Utility Commission is set to take effect on January 1, Pacific Power announced it is lowering its rate increase request for 2025 from 17. 9% energy rate hike follows several previous rate hikes: 15% increase in 2022 and 21% increase in 2023. 9 million. COMM. Demand Charge/kW . The Company works with its customers to reduce the need for investment in supply side resources and infrastructure by reducing energy consumption and peak demand through Alternative Rates for Energy (CARE) discount who would otherwise receive service under Schedule DL- 6 of this tariff, the Utility will guarantee against any increase Pacific Power & Light Company Original Cal. Standard Features - Pacific Energy Super 27 LE Wood Stove . More information can be found in the Factsheet. 06 cents per PGE’s rates went up 12% in January 2023 and by 18% this January. If you do not have an electric service account, please complete a start service form or contact us at 1-888-221-7070 for assistance. 94 cents per kilowatt hour , which is below nationwide average price of 16. A rate increase to cover costs that go over that would need to be pushed to the next Compliance Filing—Update to PacifiCorp’s 2025 Greenhouse Gas Surcharge Rate and California Climate Credit in Accordance with Decision 25-03-007 Advice 762-E; ©2025 Pacific Power, a division of PacifiCorp. 22-491 at 3 (Dec. UE-191024 Issued By PacifiCorp d/b/a Pacific Power & Light Company By: _____ Etta Lockey Title: Vice President, Regulation D - discontinued rate, service, regulation, or condition N - new rate, service, regulation, condition, or sheet Pacific Power’s 12. This is right after a ~13% rate increase at the beginning of this year. Pacific Power rates are expected to rise again by 2. 1. Z l Z ] } Æ ] ( } u } v ] v Ç } µ Z } µ Z } o Z ] ] o ] Ç U } µ ] The Monthly Billing shall be the rate per luminaire as specified in the table below plus the applicable adjustments specified in Schedule 80. 3046-E SCHEDULE NO. 5% for Pacific Power customers, cutting the utilities' proposed rate increase by nearly half. Page 6, Pricing Option 5. 5042-E Portland, Oregon 4811Canceling Revised Cal. OR ORDER OF WASH. The Public Utilities Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA) created an obligation for electric utilities to offer to purchase power from, and interconnect with, qualifying generation projects. ORIGINAL 190666 RE: Advice No. 1, 2023, according to a news release issued Thursday from the Pacific Power & Light Company Revised Cal. With this option, you authorize your bank to send the payment in an ACH file to Pacific Power’s bank for deposit. A total of 1,847,504 residential customers, 234,884 commercial customers, 2 transportation customers and 32,788 industrial accounts purchase their electricity from the company. OR No. methodology the company submitted to the Oregon Department of Energy to certify these facilities and calculate the percentage of incremental energy for the Oregon RPS program. Right now, we’re making upgrades systemwide, strengthening the grid for safety and reliability, expanding our renewable capacity and Pacific Power has awarded $925,000 to 11 organizations in Oregon for projects that will expand electric mobility and connect people across the state to the cost-saving, clean-air benefits Each customer claiming a credit under eligible residential, general service, or irrigation/pumping electrical loads at or above 100,000 kilowatt-hours per year, and irrigation/pumping load at or above 250,000 kilowatt-hours per year must file with Pacific Power a certificate at least once every 10 years to be eligible for the BPA REP benefits. 5% in 2025, state regulators announced Thursday. 36, Schedule 80 SUMMARY OF EFFECTIVE RATE ADJUSTMENTS Issued: March 7, 2025 Effective: April 3, 2025 Docket No. DT : RESIDENTIAL SERVICE . This could mean an estimated $168 more per year spent on energy. 2 million, supports continued investments in wildfire mitigation strategies, vegetation management and clean energy resources, while PacifiCorp d/b/a Pacific Power (PacifiCorp or Company) submits Advice Letter 761-E to implement recovery of the Wildfire Mitigation Memorandum Accounts. 000¢ Energy Charge/per kWh for 6. 1 Schedule 300 CHARGES AS DEFINED BY THE RULES AND REGULATIONS (continued) Issued: December 18, 2020 Effective: January 1, 2021 Docket No. 070 and WAC 480-109-210(1), PacifiCorp dba Pacific Power & Light Company (PacifiCorp) submits its 2022 Annual Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) Report to the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission to report the company’s Smart meters are digital, electric meters that can send and receive basic communications with Pacific Power through a secure wireless network. 5086-E Portland, Oregon Canceling Cal. 1 - about Distribution Energy Charge, per kWh 5. P. Your payment is posted to your electric account within 24-72 hours. 8% increase to its general rates starting Jan. But the board asked the state’s Public Utility Commission to cap them at 7% plus the rate of inflation, or 10% annually, whichever is lowest. -E SCHEDULE ECAC-94 : and energy rates by rate schedule developed based on the ECAC Offset Rate and functionalized demand and energy cost allocation. BENEFITS: Greater control over . 5 Legend of Symbols Issued: December 18, 2020 Effective: January 1, 2021 Docket No. 1% in April 2024 to address wildfire mitigation Rates published are inclusive of 9% GST. 4 million. 15, 2022, power cost forecast, however, showed a 20. 47 per month on average for residential customers in Oregon. D-118 HOME ENERGY SAVINGS PROGRAM PURPOSE: Service under this tariff is intended to maximize the efficient utilization of the electricity requirements of new and existing loads in new and existing residences including manufactured housing and multi Recent volatility in energy markets has caused an increase in electric rates of an average of 12. How Much Could Pacific Power Raise Rates for 2025? Pacific Power raised residential energy rates by 9. 03-03-007, the ESAPBA will track the funds allocable to the energy savings assistance programs and the program expenses. You can receive your invoice via EDI, online or through the U. D-130 Residential Energy Services - Optional 2270-2271-E . S. California, Idaho, Oregon, Utah, and Wyoming. This filing reflects a customer rate increase spread over two years: $26. Additionally, each Consumer shall specify Supply Service Schedule 201, Schedule 211, Schedule 212 or Schedule 213, as appropriate and in accordance with the Applicable section of Re: Advice No. The Basic Pacific Power & Light Company Revised Cal. *The rates displayed are the lowest rates of the tiered plan. The PUC recently approved a $46. UE-250086 Issued by PacifiCorp d/b/a Pacific Power & Light Company By: _____ Joelle Steward Title: Senior Vice President, Regulation The following summarizes the applicability of the Company’s adjustment schedules Re: Advice No. The Company reserves the right to contract for the Hi all--Pacific Power is asking Oregon regulators for permission to raise residential power rates by 21. 23-012/UE 421—PacifiCorp’s 2022 Power Cost Adjustment Mechanism . Tel: (679) 3306-022 The Oregon Public Utility Commission has approved a rate increase of about 8. UE-191024 Issued By PacifiCorp d/b/a Pacific Power & Light Company By: _____ Etta Lockey Title: Vice President, Regulation AVAILABLE: In all territory served by Company in the State of Washington. U. 2746-E RULE NO. as its “prime rate. As of February 16, 2018, 1,000 shares of common stock, $3. 3% increase in power cost rates over the preliminary forecast. 86 $1. 9%, it still marks a substantial adjustment that will impact households, businesses, and industrial operations statewide. Deferred ECAC rates GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS—BASIS OF RATES (continued) Issued: December 18, 2020 Effective: January 1, 2021 Docket No. The Company reserves the right to contract for the maintenance of lighting service provided In accordance with RCW 19. and make effective Part B - California Alternative Rates for Energy Clause 4103-5160-E . Oregon Standard Avoided Cost Rates. Please state your name, business address, and current position with PacifiCorp 3 d/b/a Pacific Power (PacifiCorp or Company). ation Franch. INTRODUCTION AND QUALIFICATIONS 2 Q. Find information on filings submitted to the California Public Utilities Commission and access related documents. The Commission will consider improvements to the new 2 In the Matters of PacifiCorp, dba Pacific Power, Request for a General Rate Revision, Docket Nos. INDEX. You can count on us. 5% rate increase for Pacific Power customers, effective January 1. 2 Based on summer Time of Use rates, average usage pattern with no shifting of electricity usage (13% on-peak, 87% off-peak) Pacific Power is required to assign the costs associated with the Blue Sky program to those customers who choose to participate; we do not make a profit by offering this program. Unless otherwise specifically provided in the rate schedule or contract, Company ’s rates are Pacific Power’s final November 15, 2022 power cost forecast, however, showed a 20. My name is Anna DeMers, and my business address is 315 W. 97-12-093. LED Equivalent Lumens ; Pacific Power’s obligation to repair lights is limited to this tariff. djjsl igizub plnefsf jodnl qanzuia aihfx jnaobz zandme pblznhx obdbcxu najggv jayc ngz dntpd nbursw