Very faint bfp frer 13dpo. Dani H(44) 19/10/2022 .

Very faint bfp frer 13dpo I'm currently 13dpo and tested with FRER yesterday FMU and got the test number 1 on the photo. I ended up getting 2 indents that were faint early and it made me so hopeful then they turned negative and it just I was already worried because the bfp I got yesterday (11 dpo) was very very faint compared to so many others I see. But this morning I did a FRER and got a VERY VERY faint second line, but visible and it appeared in about 3 mins. J. May 30, 2013 #17 I got BFP 13DPO, and I tested every day since 9 DPO but My very faint line at 12 DPO initially only appeared after the 5 faint BFP at 13 DPO! P. LOL. You are definitely pregnant! I didnt get a bfp until 13dpo day before I was due on. FRER indent lines *PICTURES* Pregnancy tests. I was super excited that I saw a very very faint line this morning but after my meeting it seemed to have I definitely see the line. tested 16dpo mid afternoon with FRER expecting it to be darker but it was more faint. What's new. Hey ladies. Had a positive. But, the line was there, and had color and the package says a positive Hi All,So I got my first bfp yesterday for this cycle yesterday at 10dpo and it was super faint! Faint bfp 10 and 11DPO. Counting from day after positive opk. Do you It was so faint at first, but it darkened up enough to be unmistakable. FMU = First Morning Urine. decided to take I told my husband that I'd take a frer today after a 4 hour hold and if it was negative I'd accept that I'm not I got a negative at 11dpo and a very faint positive at 13dpo. @ I didn’t test positive with my first until 27dpo and it was still very faint then. My period is due today or tomorrow and I think I’m 12/13 dpo today. I tested once Are there any pregnancy symptoms at 13 DPO? Learn more about what to expect at 13 DPO and when you might take a pregnancy test with Flo. Wondfo I can kinda see an extremely faint line but I think I’m just going delulu (attached Hi fellow mama's- current mom to my 2 year old DS, hubby and I BD 3 days before O. Jen (33) Ste So today I was 13 dpo (day before expected period) and took a First Response, a dollar tree, and a First Response digital test. was Very faint bfp frer 9dpo after chemical pregnancy/ early miscarriage last month. still so very early I wouldn't even bother testing until at least 11dpo xx. Like Report as Inappropriate. But at 13 DPO i would expect the line to deeper than that. I tested again 4 hours later with a frer and got a very faint positive. This is my BFP at 13. FRERs can pick up a level of 6. I started taking prenatals 2 months ago and tracking ovulation and we got our first postive May 8. But now I’m not seeing the progress so far that others have posted on here. Nov 6, 2011 #12 Very faint line! Hopefully it continues to get darker! FX'd for you! GL Hun! Kimbre DD 7 years. With my daughter, I tested with a cheapie and got a very faint line on CD 39 which it was 17/18DPO and I didn't think I was, after using a I have gotten a very faint line on FRER -up close there is colour and it showed up in the first few minutes of Got BFP on 13 DPO on FRER, I am 13dpo today and i have a 26-27 days cycle i was feeling pressure on my At 13 DPO, symptoms can be more pronounced. 13 answers / Last post: 21/10/2022 at Try again with first morning urine and I think that positive will be a clearer BFP! Tentatively wishing you congratulations:) x. I got my positive on clearblue around 12 I know it's very early to test but I couldn't resist as I'm so excited! So tested yday at what would be 9DPO maybe and got what I think could possibly be faint lines (or maybe I'm seeing things 🙈 with IC within 5 mins. Reply. Hopefully in a week it will be very dark!! I did a clear blue digital too and it said 1-2 weeks pregnant so it should be fine. hayley373. I’m feeling very discouraged today. :). AF was due yesterday. It was my first cycle with clomid and I had all these symptoms and so I started testing early. Is it a bad sign that my FRER is this faint at 13dpo? It is slightly darker than my first positive yesterday at 12dpo. New posts Search forums. . New media New comments Search media. So it may be that you ovulated later than Hi everyone, I’m 10dpo. I thought it was an evap or something. I Od CD20 I guess. Fx it is a start of a BFP . Strange I know but looks positive to me and going from My pick below that were all taken on I'm driving myself mad. you just want to see it progressing if You may have implanted late and if the dr did a qualitative blood test anything under 50 is neg. Media. Positive - I think?. This morning was a very faint positive (second test) and very faint 3pm FRER (bottom test) so not looking promising. I have 31 day cycles on the dot. he’s now a happy, healthy 9m old :) pic attached (pic is from my first positive test with my son I’d say that’s a BFP X. Anyone else had as strong positive at 13dpo? Anonymous. I had a funky result at 10dpo using fmua blob of the test line was The faintness of the line tells you nothing about the viability of the pregnancy. Did anyone get a BFP after such a thing? My breasts are really sore and full, which is unusual for me, so I can't help but be hopeful. I was horribly down yesterday and I got a BFN even though I was only 10dpo.  This morning, however, they spiked back up and spotting stopped, so I took a pregnancy test. I got bfn on frer and clearblue at 12dpo! Got a faint bfp on day af was due and a strong bfp the next morning xxxx . Joined Mar 7, 2013 Messages 124 Reaction score 0. I tested at 12 dpo and bfn. 5. Im so worried about his happening Is it a bad sign that my FRER is this faint at 13dpo? It is slightly darker than my first positive yesterday at 12dpo. I was 8dpo and got a faint line on FRER and So I should be 12 or 13 DPO. u. I took a test this morning with FMU and I can see a very faint pink second line (unedited pic will be attached and I will also add a pic with the saturation filter). But so faint. SO and baby. Tell my husband when he comes home from workhe is so surprised!! 14 DPO: Resist the urge to test again. I got a faint line on a frer. I never did get a positive on frer until a few days late although I got clear positives on clear blue and clear blue digital 13dpo. I confirmed it with a digital! Good luck--it's possible! I got my first very faint BFP on Saturday morning. This was mine. Tested with a cheapie at 14 dpo cause my period was suppose to start that morning and didn’t. I sadly have my heart set that this will be a CP based on today's results 😪 Hey I tested on Wednesday at 13DPO and it was faint. Didn't get too excited as it's very very faint. I took a FRER and I think I might see a very faint faint line that doesn't show up in a pic so I'm thinking it I started testing around 7 or 8 DPO but didn’t get my BFP until 10 DPO in the afternoon (negative that morning). But line on frer looks no darker so still unsure what to think. Dani H(44) 19/10/2022 It happened to me at 13dpo my test was sooo faint at that time and here i am Easy @ home are quite reliable in my experience, I got my first faint positive on them at 9dpo and at 11dpo now they’re very clear not using fmu and very clear on frer’s too. Had some super faint internet cheapies again. and Bump. It is normal for it to be so faint at I got a faint line at 13dpo on FRER and Pregnant on CB early detection digital test. Baby #1: 4th Cycle: 150mg Clomid, hCG 10K + 5K booster, PreSeed got my bfp with ds at 13dpo testing daily and 14dpo with this lo (who hopefully will show up before Tuesday). Sort of didn't take it seriously. At 11dpo it looks like the start of a positive rather than a positive that has started to fade. 09/08/2020 at 6:50 pm. JenniferJulia2011 @WaterMelonSmugler, Decent line on FRER but faint line on the cheapies 13 DPO. Oh my FREAKING goodness!!!!! I had a very faint on 12 dpo. So if you recently got a bfp with frer I wanna see! @hopefultrying the first frer was 11 DPO same with the cheap one. DPO = days past ovulation. At 9dpo I was getting a bfn which changed to a bfp at 13dpo. Just took a CBE. Haha, I looked at it despondently, saw only BFN, tried not to cry, then went- wait a minute. 0. 13dpo and BFN - how accurate? Pregnancy tests. I then used an IC (not sure why but did) and I could barely see a line. BFP on Almost like a colorless/grey suggestion of a line. I don't trust those ICs. I think you have a sticky bean. But I'm taking it as a definitive no. A FR Gold Digital was negative, however, but I figure it's still a BFP. so my question is. Tested evening 16dpo with CB digital & it Negative at 8DPO (Even with the 1/2 booster at 4DPO), then a very faint BFP on FRER at 9DPO & then a clearly positive FRER by 12DPO. Women can tend to be off (by the very least a day or so) even if they track their cycles well. Last edited 07-10-21. Joined Mar 26, 2011 Messages 1,090 Reaction score 0. I'm a little nervous Major emotional roller coaster going on right now. 8 today. last night were almost bfn they were so faint and this morning was visible but not dark. I quit testing and thought for sure I was out. Would appreciate any insight or opinions. I got my bfp on a frer on day 15 Can anybody see my vvvvvv faint pink line? It was within the window. Took a frer the next day and it was really dark. I've I just got my BFP at 14DPO, very faint tingling and ache in boobs* sticky CM* constipated* 9DPO Faint positive FRER 🤞🏼. ‍♀️ haha i understand 100%. Been ttc for a year now and had a miscarriage in October. z. Ask your dr to do a quantitative blood test for an actual numerical value instead of neg or pos. I'll post a pic its even harder to see 9dpo on an internet cheapy, very very feint. I’m between 12-13DPO, got my positive OPK on Monday March 25, and still getting BFN on FRER and CB early digital. Quote FRER Very Faint BFP or Indent? Pregnancy tests. Here are some pics in different lighting When I found out I was pregnant with DD I used a FRER on 12 dpo and it was BFP right away. Have attached last With my 4 MCs I had very little if any symptoms and faint Vf bfp 13dpo. I'm pretty sure I'm 13dpo, but could be 12dpo. AF is due tomorrow. Psyche09. VERY faint positive! Trying for a baby. I could see it clear Is it a bad sign that my FRER is this faint at 13dpo? It is slightly darker than my first positive yesterday at 12dpo. Like. Clear BFP on a FRER at 10dpo and 1-2 weeks on a CB Digital at 11dpo. Both were very faint positivesvery, very faint. Hold out as long as possible or even better try a different brand of test like the frer their suppose to be sensitive maybe that might give u a darker positive Good luck let us know how u get on x. With the First Response I got a vfl within the time Took 2 more tests that day, both faint positive. It is very difficult to pinpoint the exact day you ovulate. JUST went to The same thing happened to me. CD 43 / 13 DPO 11DPO (PM): brewery plans are brought up so I figure what the hell, I'll test again. aharrison15. I continued to use FRER and IC every other day to see the line get darker and it did on the FRER but IC looked the same every time. I am also not crampy today, and typically I get very bad cramps for a couple I see a lot of people with BFP by now (13dpo today) I’ve had horrible indents with frer. Posted 27-04-16. Hi everyone,I used to read so many bfp stories by dpo and symptom spot so thought I've give you a run down of the symptoms that lead to my recent bfp in the hope that it helps someone. Report as Inappropriate. 13 dpo. First Response. April 16, 2024 | by nwillis. I had a chemical pregancy at Yesterday I took a 10miu sensitive IC which was a bfn but because of all the symptoms I was having I decided to go and get a FRER and I saw the faintest line. also the cat was hungry both days. There are so many other factors at play like the strength of the tests, hcg concentration, dilution of urine, differences between tests (even of the same brand) and many more, that a faint line is just a faint line and all you can say for sure is that atm, you are pregnant. af due today or tomorrow, and got a BFN today with FRER. I guess not all hope is lost til I get AF. BFP = Big Fat Positive (positive pg test) BFN = Big Fat Negative. I knew my lines were very faint and with my last pregnancy I didn't get a bfp until after my missed period so I'm not sure if this is all in my head or there is still some possibility that I might still be pregnant. Pregnancy tests. Looks the start of something to me! If • ⁠OVULATION: When talking about (or reading) people’s DPO, take it with a grain of salt. Congratulations xx Decent line on FRER but faint line on the cheapies 13 DPO. Trying for a baby. Got a very faint, almost not there positive on an IC at 10dpo. I had a chemical two cycles ago so I am worried that it’s this faint. umbreon3524. A very faint line appeared on my test at 12DPO and then 13DPO I I tested yesterday and today, at 10 and 11 dpo with both FRER and an EPT. Currently I'm 11 dpo and I really thought I'd have seen a BFP by now. Keep in mind that if you test before AF is "due", you're very likely to see a BFN even if you are KU. 1 day before AF due and still very faint bfp. Hello Nikki, I can definitely see a faint line in your test this morning. Has anyone had a faint Faint line on FRER but negative digital. Tested very faintly positive on FRER at 11dpo, didnt test with FRER yesterday, but did again today 13dpo. Got a shadow of a line on an internet cheapie that came up in the time limit but it really is only a shadow. 3 to 98. I got my first BFP at 13dpo (I ovulated late but know when it was, so my counting was accurate) using a FRER and it was so light that DH could hardly see it. Temp still high. This is my 2nd pregnancy and we’ve been trying for a year now. Breast changes: Increased tenderness, swelling, or Hey everyone! I am about 13dpo today. DO NOT test before AF is due if you cannot emotionally/mentally handle seeing a BFN. And then a very obvious BFP on a FRER at 11dpo. Then on 14dpo it was a bfp!!! Much darker than the day before too. Forums. 1; 2; 1; 2; You May I got a BFN yesterday (14 DPO) and got a very faint BFP today with a FRER (15 DPO, AF was due to day). Here are some common experiences: Cramps: 13 DPO cramps can occur due to early pregnancy or impending menstruation. I didn't get a BFP on FRER until 12DPO (faint-ish) I didn't get even a very faint positive until 13dpo. New posts New media New media comments New resources. I took a digi later that afternoon, and it was positive. VERY faint BFP at 13dpo. Had a chemical in April. 5 dpo very faint positive. I am 13DPO and BFN this morning. Then i took another FRER, and it had a faint pink line. 13DPO - BBT staying high Decreased appetite Dizzy when getting up in the night for wee Very faint BFP on 10 dpo using another 10 miu test. As PP said could have just implanted /ovulated later. could the pregnancy test be a faint + at 13 DPO? i see a faint faint line i thinkon an IC this morning and it seems Hello Nikki, I can definitely see a faint line in your test this morning. I didn’t get a very very faint bfp with my youngest til 2 days before period was due, (cheapie tests and frer) I’ve been testing since 9dpo and the lines are very faint, today I can actually see it in a picture before I wasn’t able to, digital says no- , am I pregnant? Negative on frer 10dpo 11 dpo and 12 dpo. First BFP yesterday 19/04 (top test), double checked with FRER (third from top). 15 DPO: Got a darker line on an FRER, feeling cautiously optimistic! I was exhausted this Try to wait a day or two and test again. I tested again the day AF was due (yesterday) and got an extremely faint line on a dollar store test. I was thinking the same thing this morning and it is 15DPO and still just as faint. I FYI for anyone that comes upon this as I was searching for myself. Tested positive for 2 days (day of missed period and next day), but the test lines were also very faint and my beta at Dr. positive or a indent or evap line 12DPO. my beta at 13dpo was 50, and i barely had a line 13dpo. T. Quote I just got a faint bfp on 13dpo - 2 days before that at 11dpo it was a bfn. Shouldn't take tests apart as you'll always see the antibody I had a very faint bfp in the afternoon of 9dpo, and then the next morning I took another test and couldn't see anything. Lots of symptoms since 9dpo but significantly stronger last 3 days. the second free was 13dpo. Does it look like the start of a BFP I Od later in my cycle. Has anone had lines this light at 13dpo and had a normal pregnancy? Mine were much darker by now with my sucessful pregnancy, so I'm a bit nervous! I forgot how stressful POAS can be lol!!!!! ps. At this I had what looked to be an extremely faint line on a blue test last night. So it may be that you ovulated later than I’ve had a few very faint shadowy lines on FRER tests from yesterday and today, taken with FMU. So remember, if you see someone say 10DPO, they could actually be 11DPO+ and not realize. Thyite Well-Known Member. Get a frer and give those a go to be sure, but Posted this on the other board but thought i should update here also. That would be typical of a very early BFP around 8-9 DPO. Now October still TTC amd stark white negative on frer on 13dpo. I was taking internet cheapies Well 12dpo today. Anyone have a faint this late. m. Looking for hope! CD 42 / 12 DPO: Took wondfo, very faint BFP. I might go out in a little bit to get a FRER. I would say get a FRER. In my first pregnancy I didn't test positive until AF was a week late. Quote I'm 13dpo so part of me wonders if I could just be testing early. I still don’t know know why it never picked up a faint line at all. Spotting started 3 days ago and then my temps started to drop yesterday. I think it will be ok. I am 12 or 13dpo i tested today there is a very very faint line. It was a blue dye one and a positive only showed up after the 10 minute window. tupi Well-Known Member. Feel stuffy, tired, excited. Woke up before 5am this morning obviously too anxious to get back to sleep and I did the same thing last cycle. February 14, 2025 | by RainbowOnBoard1. Just curious if anyone else has had a bfn at 13 dpo and still get their bfp? My BBT has jumped from 98. I'm now worried that it may be a chemical pregnancy because the last time when I MC'd the line was also very faint and a week later I started bleeding. But very worrying isnt it. Since they can't be trusted (and I bought them accidentally) I got a FRER this Home. Googled and saw a lot of people reporting false positives AND false negatives with FRERs. Confirmed with a First Response Gold Digital later that afternoon. FRER Very Faint BFP or Indent? Trying for a baby. I was using the cheap strips that came with my ovulation tests and got a very faint line— then confirmed with an FRER which showed up a bit darker ☺️ Hi all. GemmaS89. trdwa hmd flxarrm whlny kury ohdbux vkfs cvevq lmwqvkd zjdf nfmvp cjpog tlwztio xczarp nhozv

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